6 Signs Your Pet Needs to See the Emergency Vet in Tulsa, OK

emergency vet in tulsa, ok

If you have a pet, you may already be aware of just how common pet emergencies can be. Although it is very unfortunate, many pets will deal with an emergency at least once in their lives. It’s up to you, as a responsible pet owner, to learn how to recognize the signs of an emergency and understand when it’s time to go to the emergency vet in Tulsa, OK.

Possible Signs of an Emergency

In this article, we’ll show you 6 signs your pet needs to go to the emergency vet. Although these are certainly not all the possible pet emergencies you might encounter, they’re some of the most common, so keep them in mind.

1. Struggling to Breathe

If your pet is unable to breathe at all, you can probably easily recognize this as an emergency situation. However, even if your pet is just struggling to breathe but still is able to do so, this could also constitute an emergency. If your pet is wheezing, gasping, or breathing so heavily you can see his sides heaving, this means he is having trouble.

Struggling to breathe could be associated with a wide variety of emergency situations. The emergency vet will help you determine the underlying cause and will help stabilize your pet as well.

2. Inability to Rouse

Inability to rouse may come from a variety of emergencies as well. It is possible that your pet is sick with a high fever and may be unable to wake up, or your pet could have ingested a toxin and is entering a comatose state. The possibilities are varied, but they’re all serious and require the help of an emergency vet to handle them.

If your pet is completely unconscious, you may need assistance taking him to the vet. If your pet can wake up slightly but is mostly unable to rouse, this still requires the help of an emergency vet, as the condition could grow worse without warning.

3. Worsening of a Known Condition

If your pet has a known health condition, such as cancer or heart disease, you probably know how to recognize the symptoms associated with this illness already. However, if the condition suddenly takes a turn and grows worse without warning, this is a sign to go to the emergency vet.

The emergency vet will help you understand where your pet in terms of his illness and can help you choose which further management options, if any, are right for your pet as well.

4. Seizures

Pets who have been diagnosed with epilepsy and who are undergoing treatment or management for the condition may not always need to go to the emergency vet for a seizure. In this situation, you should time your pet’s seizures and only take him to the emergency vet if he has a seizure that lasts longer than 2 minutes, or if he has several seizures within an hour.

Otherwise, if your pet is not diagnosed with epilepsy and has a seizure, this may be an emergency and should be treated as such. Your pet could have eaten a toxic substance and may need to be treated for this.

5. Snake, Insect Bite or Sting

If your pet has been bitten or stung by a snake or insect, this could be an emergency situation. If you saw the snake or insect and can identify it, you may be able to tell whether or not it is venomous. If not, however, you should watch your pet closely for signs of an anaphylactic reaction.

If your pet’s snout or face begins to swell, if he starts to have trouble breathing, if he has a high fever, or if his heart rate increases, these are all signs he is having a severe allergic reaction to the bite or sting and should be seen by an emergency vet.

6. Heatstroke Symptoms

Early symptoms of heatstroke include excessive drooling and excessive panting. As the condition worsens, the gums may turn either very pale or blue, and your pet’s saliva may become thick and sticky. Pets may eventually collapse and be unable to rouse from heatstroke.

Heatstroke is a very dangerous condition and should always be treated as an emergency. Never leave your pet alone in a hot car, even on a day that doesn’t feel very hot to you.

Need an Emergency Vet? 

This list of emergencies can help you determine when it’s time to go to the emergency vet. However, pet ownership is never predictable, and there may be many situations that constitute emergencies and don’t fall into these categories. This list is only meant to help you recognize common pet emergencies, but in the end, you should always go with your gut when it comes to your pet.

If you need an emergency vet in Tulsa, OK call Animal Emergency Center of Tulsa at 918-6650508!