Summer Safety Tips from Our Emergency Animal Hospital
Does your pet have a habit of getting into…everything? They’re far less aware of certain dangers such as high temperatures, storms, and parasites. That’s why it’s up to you to keep tabs on your pet at all times and take additional steps to keep them safe. Likewise, our emergency center in Tulsa is always here to answer your questions and help you resolve concerns.
Severe Weather
Of the 10 states in the US that see the most tornadoes per year, Oklahoma sits in 3rd place. While tornadoes are far more common during the month of May, realistically they can strike during any season given the right conditions. To be prepared, you should:
- Practice by running a ‘tornado drill’ with your pet to get them used to the experience. Place your dog on a sturdy leash and calmly lead them to shelter. If you have a cat, try getting them accustomed to their carrier or pick them up with a blanket and carry them.
- Have your pet microchipped and make sure they have an updated ID tag on their collar. If they run off during a storm, anyone who finds them will be able to trace them back to you.
- Keep a pet first aid kit on hand just in case. This should include antibiotic ointment, non-stick bandages, rolls of gauze, cotton swabs, tweezers and hydrogen peroxide. Ask your veterinarian for suggestions to ensure that you have the right items.
Heat Protection
Hot weather is more dangerous for our pets than it is for us. Since they can’t sweat like we do, they are far more prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. To prevent these conditions, you need to:
- Make sure your pet has fresh water to drink all throughout the day.
- Leave your pet at home instead of bringing them along on errands, as leaving them in the car by themselves can be dangerous. The inside of your car can heat up very quickly, even if the windows are cracked.
- If your pet is out in the yard, make sure they have a shady spot to keep out of the sun.
- Keep a small, ankle-deep wading pool in the yard so your pet can take a dip when they need to cool off.
- Walk your dog early in the morning and later in the evening, when the pavement is cooler. Hot pavement can cause serious burns to your pet’s paw pads. If the sidewalk is too hot for your feet, it’s also too hot for your pet’s feet.
Parasite Prevention
Parasites may be tiny, but they can be a major pain for animals and people. The most common pet parasites include fleas, ticks, heartworms (spread by mosquitoes), roundworms, tapeworms, mites and hookworms. To keep your pet protected, we recommend:
- Year-round parasite preventives (we offer quality preventives for both cats and dogs)
- Having your pet vaccinated annually
- Cleaning your home and reducing clutter
- Checking your pet’s coat, skin and ears for fleas and ticks
- Picking up after your pet
- Clearing away brush, piles of wood and other areas that might be attractive hiding places for ticks
- Keeping your pet out of wooded areas and away from standing water
Is your pet showing signs of illness or injury? You can contact us at any time or bring in your pet for prompt treatment.