Dog Diarrhea in Tulsa, OK: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Dogs can get diarrhea for several reasons, not all of them serious. We all know that dogs like to eat things that are not very good for them from time to time, and this can cause brief digestive upsets that are over within a few days. However, dogs that have persistent diarrhea or diarrhea that is bloody likely need to see the vet. There are many reasons that these symptoms might be showing up, and some of them can be quite serious.
Making sure that your dog does not get dehydrated is key, and being sure that your dog has not been poisoned is also important. Your vet will likely check a variety of different things that could be causing this symptom, so make sure that they do not miss anything. Your dog will thank you for helping them to feel better and for getting their diarrhea under control.
Symptoms of Dog Diarrhea
If your dog is showing any of these symptoms, they could have diarrhea:
- No appetite or poor appetite
- Drooling
- Vomiting
- Dry heaving or retching
- Blood in the diarrhea
- Large volumes of diarrhea
- Lethargy
- Moaning or whining
- Pain when the abdomen is palpated
Some dogs will seem like they feel just fine other than having diarrhea. This can be common when a new food has been introduced or a treat that has not agreed with your dog. Your dog might feel pretty good overall, but it might have a digestive upset that just won’t go away.
This is one of the kinds of diarrhea that you can likely just try treating at home with a change to cooked white rice and some cooked chicken for a couple of days. If your dog is drinking, seems to feel fine, and is not showing any of these other more serious symptoms, you could try this protocol before calling the veterinarian. Always be sure that you have checked that your dog’s nose and the pads of the feet are not hot since this can indicate a fever despite your dog’s normal behavior.
Causes of Dog Diarrhea
Dog diarrhea can be caused by a variety of different things. It can be hard to rule out causes without the help of a vet, but you should know about the common reasons behind dog diarrhea.
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Change in diets
- Feeding treats
- Eating garbage or spoiled food
- Ingestion of a foreign objects
- Viral infections like parvo or distemper
- Bacterial infections
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Colitis
- Intestinal cancer
- Liver or kidney disease
- Medications like antibiotics
- Pancreatitis
- Ingesting toxins or poisons
- Parasites
Some of these causes behind dog diarrhea are not that serious and don’t require a trip to the vet, but things like parvo and pancreatitis or ingesting toxins or poisons can be a reason to take your dog to the vet right away.
Diarrhea can be linked to many serious health conditions, so it is always wise to be cautious about ignoring diarrhea. Some dogs do not show just how poorly they feel until they have gotten sick, so it can be worth making sure that your dog is not actually much sicker than you realize.
Treatments for Dog Diarrhea
You should never give your dog human medications or even other leftover dog medications without checking with your vet. Sometimes the medications that you have on hand will be contraindicated for your dog’s situation. When you do not have a diagnosis, you will hard a hard time being sure that you are giving the right treatment.
Partner with Your Veterinarian
Your vet will want to be sure that your dog does not have an infection, parasites, or a serious health condition that is causing diarrhea before they treat your pet. Animals can be given fluids to help them with dehydration, and your vet will be likely to give your dog anti-nausea meds as well. If your dog has an infection of some kind or parasites, your vet will be able to give your dog medication to kill the infection or the parasites.
Medication Provided by the Vet
Systemic illnesses can be harder to treat, but there are many medications that can be used these days to help treat things like kidney disease, pancreatic issues, and more. Cancers can also be treated in some cases with chemotherapy. These kinds of treatments will not be offered to you without the help of your vet, and it is important that your let your vet guide the treatment plan for you.
At Home Treatment Options
If your dog has had a short-term upset of their GI tract related to a change of food or some other kind of small change that is not serious, your vet might offer simple at home solutions. You can feed plain cooked white rice and chicken or canned pumpkin to help your dog feel better. After a few days, your dog should have ceased to have diarrhea. At this time, you can start to add back the regular kibble that your dog was eating before the upset. Make sure not to try to feed the food that caused the upset again, as it will likely start the cycle over again.
Dog Diarrhea Can Indicate Serious Health Conditions
If your dog has diarrhea, you will need to start paying attention to their other activities. If they seem to feel poorly and they are not drinking or eating, it’s time for a visit to the vet. Making sure that your dog gets help before they have serious complications is important. Some dogs do not indicate just how badly they might be feeling, so you might not be aware that they are seriously sick until things are serious.
Dog diarrhea can sometimes be managed at home over the course of a few days. However, more serious diarrhea is unlikely to improve without a trip to the vet. In the case of diarrhea that is more serious or has blood in it, you will need to hurry and get your dog to the vet. This can be a sign of serious problems that might necessitate a hospital stay for your pet.
Need to talk with a vet about your dog’s diarrhea? Call Animal Emergency Center at 918-665-0508 today!